# PT100 Amplifier Board

Dyze Design PT100 Amplifier Board

# What's included

Item Quantity
PT100 Analog Amplifier PCB 1
Sensor cable 1

# What’s required


This PT100 Amplifier board is not compatible with DUET boards. To use PT100 sensors with DUET boards and RepRap firmware, you need to buy DUET PT100 daughter boards (opens new window).

# Specifications

Features Specification
Compatible firmwares Marlin (or above)(https://github.com/DyzeDesign/Marlin/releases/latest (opens new window))
Klipper (https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper/ (opens new window))

# Electrical Specifications

Parameter Condition Min Typical Max Unit
Power supply (Vcc) Controller logic voltage: 3.3V - 3.3 - V
Controller logic voltage: 5V - 5 - V
Current consumption 0.5 - 1.5 mA
Output Tension (Vout) 0.15 - Vcc-0.15 V

# Output voltage lookup table

Temperature (°C) PT100 value(Ω) Output voltage (V) @ 3.3V Output voltage (V) @ 5V
0 100 0.8822 1.3367
20 107.794 0.9497 1.4389
40 115.541 1.0165 1.5401
60 123.242 1.0827 1.6405
80 130.897 1.1484 1.7400
100 138.505 1.2135 1.8387
120 146.068 1.2780 1.9364
140 153.584 1.3420 2.0333
160 161.054 1.4054 2.1294
180 168.478 1.4683 2.2246
200 175.856 1.5305 2.3190
220 183.188 1.5923 2.4125
240 190.473 1.6535 2.5052
260 197.712 1.7141 2.5971
280 204.905 1.7742 2.6882
300 212.052 1.8338 2.7784
320 219.152 1.8928 2.8679
340 226.206 1.9513 2.9565
360 233.214 2.0093 3.0443
380 240.176 2.0667 3.1314
400 247.092 2.1236 3.2176
420 253.962 2.1801 3.3031
440 260.785 2.2360 3.3878
460 267.562 2.2913 3.4717
480 274.293 2.3462 3.5549
500 280.978 2.4006 3.6373

# Installation / Mounting

You can refer to this drawing for easy mounting in your printing environment:

Dyze Design PT100 Amplifier Board Drawing

# Wiring

Dyze Design PT100 Amplifier Board Wiring Reference


Multiple PT100 amplifier boards can be connected together (daisy-chained). Simply insert the male daisy chaining connectors (J1) inside the female daisy chaining connection (J2) of your other PT100 amplifier board.

# Power supply selection

  • The power supply should be chosen according to the logic tension of your controller.
  • If you are daisy chaining more than one PT100 Analog Amplifier, only the first one should be connected to Vcc. For the other, connect only the signal pin (blue wire). If you have ground pins available near the analog inputs on your board, you can connect those too.

# PT100 Sensor Connection

  • The PT100 Sensor must be connected to connector J3
  • The connector mate with a PH3-3 connector from JST Sales Amarica Inc. or a standard dupont connector with a pitch of 100MIL.

# Controller Board Connection

Cable Color Connection
Red Vcc
Blue Signal
Black GND

Dyze Design PT100 Amplifier Board Cable Schematic

  • Connect Vcc wire to 3.3V or 5V depending on the logic tension use by your controller
  • Connect the GND wire to a GND pin
  • Connect the Signal wire to an analog input.


Make sure not to use a thermistor input, since those pins usually have a pullup resistor and will not work with the PT100 Analog Amplifier

# Example for RAMPS 1.4

Ramps 1.4 board connection example for Dyze Design PT100 Amplifier board

Signal input pins for RAMP 1.4 :

  • A3
  • A4
  • A5
  • A9
  • A10
  • A11
  • A12

# Firmware

# Marlin Firmware

The PT100 Analog Amplifier is supported by the official distribution of Marlin since release

# Configuration.h

Configure the temperature sensor (lines 540-553):

#define TEMP_SENSOR_0 68

Add the following line to specify the pin use for the signal:

#define TEMP_0_PIN A3

# Klipper

Open the printer.cfg file. You will need to configure a custom ADC temperature sensor. The resulting sensor can be used as a sensor_type in a heater section.

# Create ADC temperature sensors

In your printer.cfgfile, add two new sections with the below code:


Be sure to place these sections in the config file above its first use in a heater section (usually the [extruder] section).

[adc_temperature pt100_3v3]
#   A set of temperatures (in Celsius) and voltages (in Volts) to use
#   as reference when converting a temperature. A heater section using
#   this sensor may also specify adc_voltage and voltage_offset
#   parameters to define the ADC voltage (see "Common temperature
#   amplifiers" section for details). At least two measurements must
#   be provided.
temperature1: 0
resistance1: 0.8822
temperature2: 20
resistance2: 0.9497
temperature3: 40
resistance3: 1.0165
temperature4: 60
resistance4: 1.0827
temperature5: 80
resistance5: 1.1484
temperature6: 100
resistance6: 1.2135
temperature7: 120
resistance7: 1.2780
temperature8: 140
resistance8: 1.3420
temperature9: 160
resistance9: 1.4054
temperature10: 180
resistance10: 1.4683
temperature11: 200
resistance11: 1.5305
temperature12: 220
resistance12: 1.5923
temperature13: 240
resistance13: 1.6535
temperature14: 260
resistance14: 1.7141
temperature15: 280
resistance15: 1.7742
temperature16: 300
resistance16: 1.8338
temperature17: 320
resistance17: 1.8928
temperature18: 340
resistance18: 1.9513
temperature19: 360
resistance19: 2.0093
temperature20: 380
resistance20: 2.0667
temperature21: 400
resistance21: 2.1236
temperature22: 420
resistance22: 2.1801
temperature23: 440
resistance23: 2.2360
temperature24: 460
resistance24: 2.2913
temperature25: 480
resistance25: 2.3462
temperature26: 500
resistance26: 2.4006

[adc_temperature pt100_5v]
temperature1: 0
resistance1: 1.3367
temperature2: 20
resistance2: 1.4389
temperature3: 40
resistance3: 1.5401
temperature4: 60
resistance4: 1.6405
temperature5: 80
resistance5: 1.7400
temperature6: 100
resistance6: 1.8387
temperature7: 120
resistance7: 1.9364
temperature8: 140
resistance8: 2.0333
temperature9: 160
resistance9: 2.1294
temperature10: 180
resistance10: 2.2246
temperature11: 200
resistance11: 2.3190
temperature12: 220
resistance12: 2.4125
temperature13: 240
resistance13: 2.5052
temperature14: 260
resistance14: 2.5971
temperature15: 280
resistance15: 2.6882
temperature16: 300
resistance16: 2.7784
temperature17: 320
resistance17: 2.8679
temperature18: 340
resistance18: 2.9565
temperature19: 360
resistance19: 3.0443
temperature20: 380
resistance20: 3.1314
temperature21: 400
resistance21: 3.2176
temperature22: 420
resistance22: 3.3031
temperature23: 440
resistance23: 3.3878
temperature24: 460
resistance24: 3.4717
temperature25: 480
resistance25: 3.5549
temperature26: 500
resistance26: 3.6373

# Define the custom ADC sensor

In your printer.cfg file, locate and modify the sensor_type from the [extruder] section as follows:


Replace the data in """___""" by your own

sensor_type: """ your custom ADC sensor defined before, ex: pt100_5v """
#   One of the custom ADC sensor you added before: pt100_5v or pt100_3v3. The sensor to be added is determined by the controller logic voltage 3.3V or 5V.
sensor_pin:  """ the pin name where the Dyze PT100 amplifier board is plugged """
#   Analog input pin connected to the sensor. This parameter must be
#   provided.
#adc_voltage: 5.0
#   The ADC comparison voltage (in Volts). The default is 5 volts.
#voltage_offset: 0
#   The ADC voltage offset (in Volts). The default is 0.

# Maintenance

No maintenance required

Last Updated: 7/23/2024, 12:58:09 PM